28 June 2005

Nagasaki, Japanese & Kids Training

Happy sightseeing!!! I went to Nagasaki on Sunday to meet up with Elle`s friend Steve, and had an unreal day! It was so good to have someone to go sightseeing with - much more fun that going on your own. And he was actually able to find his way around really well (as compared to me who could get lost in Ballarat!), and he had the lonely planet guide, so it was like having my own personal tour guide! Very cool!

We checked out the Atomic Bomb Museum, which was pretty confronting. It`s so hard to imagine that sort of suffering! And so hard to comprehend why people in positions of power would deem such a devastating thing a good idea! After that, we moved on to happier places - the Peace Park was cool. Also rode up a cable car to a look out, where we got a great view of Nagasaki city. Checked out Dejima - a little museum with the history of the Dutch influence on Nagasaki (very interesting, but would take too much room to write about it all), as well as China town and a few Buddist temples. Ended the day with a drink down by the ocean - a nice relax after all our walking. It was a great city, and thanks to my guide, I was able to feel like I saw all I needed despite my limited time.

I caught a bus back to Sasebo, and while waiting at the bus stop there for my bus home, I had my first real conversation in Japanese!!!!! A little old lady was sitting next to me, and started chatting. She spoke NO English, so we were just yabbering away to each other in our own languages, using big gestures, and really not communicating much. Then suddenly, I recognised something, and was like - wow, I think she`s asking where I live, and I know how to answer that in Japanese!!! And then, I recognised a few more words, and got to answer another question about how long I`ve been in Japan! Didn`t understand the rest of what she said, but it still felt unreal, being able to communicate 2 small things at least! Very exciting!

Kids Training....
On Monday I got trained to teach kids classes - not sure whether I`m excited or nervous about actually doing it! But oh well, I`m sure I`ll survive. The cool thing about the training is that it was on my day off, which means I`ll get a day in lieu in July, and can have a 3 day weekend! (I finish work at 5:40 on Sat and won`t have to go back til 4pm Wed, so 3 and a bit days!) Yay!! Contemplating whether I should pop over to Korea or travel around the island of Kyushu and see a volcano, go to some hot springs and visit Lyndal who I flew over with. Hmmm... decisions, decisions!!! Will keep you posted!

Ps - suggestions for Special Voice topics welcome!


At 29/6/05 9:12 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm SOOO impressed at your Japanese conversation! Bet you want to keep learning more and more of the language now so you can talk more to people.

What sort of things tend to be topics for Special Voice?

At 29/6/05 10:50 am, Blogger Christop said...

And what's Special Voice?

At 29/6/05 12:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Banana - so cool! It actually seems like you're living in Japan now rather than just visiting. It would have been so much fun trying to communicate with the Japanese lady. It's unreal that you get to do all the touristy stuff too. You must be learning heaps - a leeetle bit envious! Glad it was a fun weekend.

At 29/6/05 1:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a short note to say thankyou for your gift on the special arrival (or before the arrival should I say) of Blake. I am sure you have been updated on all the details so I won't recite them again! I hope all is well and that you are enjoying yourself - sounds as though you are!!
Blake looks forward to meeting his second cousin with the good taste in teddy bears!

Until then, take care!

At 29/6/05 3:22 pm, Blogger Tab said...

Hey VI! Katie and Cassie r here in Broken Hill and they say helloooo!!!! You know that my vote is that you should go to Korea :) Jun would be pleased with you doing that! Then he can tell me about where u go, if u do, he he. Have a comentary on Korea here. Well, whatever u do... enjoy it. Luv ya.

At 29/6/05 3:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Wish I was there sighseeing with you. I e-mailed Dae Gyu's e-mail address. let me know if you didn't recieve it. You will have to contact him as soon as possible if you plan to go to Korea. (He was excited to hear that you might come.)

Sayounara =)

At 30/6/05 4:36 pm, Blogger kelgell said...

Cool! I hope your taking lots of photos!! I've spent today working on my scrapbook of our holiday in Bali and Malaysia and I'm almost done. So I've been remenising travelling and sightseeing and stuff. It's cool your beginning to recognise some Japanese words in conversation...Hope you keep picking it up and learning it well. And with your kid classes, you'll do fine. Kids love you remember. All of life can be challenging if we allow it to overwhelm our minds. So I hope you can enjoy all that you face in Japan and have to deal with. May you grow lots in deep ways and may God be very real to you--in a way you understand!

Oh, and I think you should see Korea too. Kyushu is so close, you can always do it another time. Ü

At 30/6/05 4:46 pm, Blogger kelgell said...

oh, and Chris, check her post "Braving the shops" [25 May] for an explaination on her voice classes.

At 30/6/05 10:33 pm, Blogger Tab said...

Korea, Korea, Korea :) That's what I'd do if I were you!!! Please? Pretty please??? It's not like i'm going to be able to see those places, so, take lots of photos, and send them to me so I can pretend :) Send me a postcard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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