25 May 2005

Braving the shops

Believe it or not, one of the scariest things for me here is the shopping... I braved a supermarket the other day for my first proper grocery shop. A lot of items are a little different than in Aussie supermarkets, and it:s all written in Japanese! (Duh!) For someone who doesn:t like cooking at the best of times, its a little daunting to try buying mystery ingredients to make tea with!

I have discovered some basics tho. At the moment, my diet consists of toast and strawberry jam, smoothies (lots of bananas and strawberries here, and managed to find the yoghurt!), and vegetable pasta - I found these packets of pasta sauce,and simply add a whole bunch of vegies and serve with thin spaghetti stuff. For snacks I eat chocolate biscuits from the Family Mart downstairs, these yummy-as sweet buns available everywhere for about $1.30, and really yummy donuts from Mister Donut near work. I:m pretty unadventurous with food, so basically eat the same stuff every day! I like it tho, and will get around to trying new stuff eventually! (Everything comes in a smaller version here - a `loaf` of bread only has six slices!!! Admittedly, they are very huge slices!)

For work, every month I have to do a Special Voice - a two hour session on a topic of my choice, with activities etc to get people talking and having fun. Yikes!! Any suggestions? I can, of course, do `Australia Travel Voice`, but to be honest, I don:t really know many facts about Aust to do quizzes on - I:ll have to do some research! Francie is doing `So you wanna be a star?` this month - lots of drama, and quizzes about stars - cool. BTW, Francie is leaving! =( She got a transfer to Fukuoka in about 3 1/2 weeks. Everybody wants to transfer out of Sasebo at the moment, cuz they don:t like the US Navy base. Sad for me, cuz I don:t want to move, and I:m loosing all my new friends!!! Ah, well, such is life!

Gotta go look for the Post Office - I think I recognise the last Kanji in the word, so will go in to the right building! Can:t wait to be able to read and understand Japanese!!!

XXOO Luv yas!


At 25/5/05 4:27 pm, Blogger kelgell said...

Huh! Never thought about how difficult it might be to go shopping. Can you find the chocolate ok??? You could do food/worldwide dishes for a Special Voice topic. I'll keep passing on any other ideas I have. Pitty Francie is leaving...is Martina hanging around? Are you picking up some of the language now? Well, keep enjoying life there. xxoo Ü

At 25/5/05 10:03 pm, Blogger John M said...

mmm yes well don't go eating a tube of wasaki cause you can't eat the label that could be deadly!

At 26/5/05 9:09 am, Blogger Christop said...

That would be good having bread with only six slices because the loaf would be less likely to last long enough to go mouldy.

At 26/5/05 3:06 pm, Blogger John M said...

i think i was tired and meant to say "can't read the label" ooops :)

At 27/5/05 6:22 pm, Blogger Alrischa said...

Just found your blog on Matt's site, and I have to say I'm jealous! It all sounds so exciting! Well, I've never thought of going to Japan, but I love the idea of living in a place with completely different cultures, language, food... Good luck with Japanese. Yikes! I hear it's pretty tricky, but the writing is cool.


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