10 March 2006

Strange hobbies

A question that is frequently asked between students at Nova is... "What are your hobbies?" I just love some of the answers! A selection of common answers:
Driving; watching TV; drinking; watching adult videos (ok, so that one's only been mentioned a couple times, but seriously... what the??); eating; sleeping; coming to Nova; and of course some regular things like tennis, etc.
Who says sleeping is their only hobby? How bizarre!! I was talking to a student yesterday about 'what makes you happy'. I asked her when she is happiest. Her answer? When sleeping!! What the...?? In my head I'm saying, 'Girl, you're unconscious... how can you say you feel happiest then?'. Whatever!

It says something about the lifestyle of many people here though... things that we consider normal necessities of living are for them one of the few things they do for themselves, and therefore classed as a hobby. The amount of time some people spend at school or work is insane! Australia truly is a lucky country!


At 14/3/06 6:22 pm, Blogger David said...

That's so funny. We are very lucky, aye. - Though one of my new hobbies is afternoon nana naps. =)


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