10 January 2006

Back home again

Boy, does time fly!!! I am already back in Japan!!

My 2 weeks in Aust almost seemed over before it began! I had a great time - spent heaps of time just hanging around with my family, which is what I missed most of all. Two days were also spent in Victor Harbour (plus a couple days driving), hanging out with Mum, Grandma and Auntie Kathy, which I thoroughly enjoyed... I think it is SO important to spend time with other generations... you can learn so much. It was also so awesome to hear Grandma praying for her kids, grandkids and family-in-law, and to be reminded again how privileged I am to be part of such a supportive and caring extended family.

Lets see... I also did some business-y stuff, like the blood bank and doctor's appointments (yep, I'm still alive!), and visited a few friends - I didn't get to see half the people I wanted to see - sorry folks!!!!

On both my flights back, I got to sit next to a friendly person so I could chat a little - that was good. My second flight got delayed 2 hrs due to 'technical difficulties'. I had taken my drowsy tablets just a little before I found out about the delay, and they made me really sleepy, but I couldn't really sleep cuz the waiting lounge was so freezing! Everyone was putting on their coats that they had ready for landing in Japan! I was reading a book I impulsively bought just before boarding the plane in Aust (glad I did or I would have been really bored!), but I had to read each page a couple times cuz I was so sleepy!! LOL!!

After spending 2 weeks constantly in the company of at least one family member, it felt strange to arrive home to an empty apartment. Within 2 hours of arriving in Sasebo, I had unpacked, showered, gone through my mail (thanks peeps!) and didn't know what to do with myself!! So I messaged Martina, raced into town and had lunch with her. And she told me how to use her computer and that there was a stack of videos at home for company, so I could go back home after that! Giggle, giggle! Funny how I love my solitude, but the sudden change really threw me!

But it is good to be back again. Hoping I can quickly remember all the Japanese I've forgotten in the past couple weeks and looking forward to getting back into the Japanese swing of things.

Love you all so much!! Thanks so much for all your letters, prayers and caring!! I am seriously one of the luckiest people in the whole world because of each of you!!!!


At 11/1/06 2:06 pm, Blogger kelgell said...

That's so funny about the sleepy tablets and trying to read. He he. Do you know what the book is about??

Good to hear you got home safely Ü Hope this year [and I pray this year] will be a great year of adventure and discovery and growth in God.

At 12/1/06 12:35 am, Blogger Tab said...

Glad ur Safe Vi.

I missed u in SA by about a week! I was in Strath 4 days of this week, I could have seen you if it had been a week earlier. Never mind :)

Oh! About the other present I said in Ocotber I was going to send u.... Well I never made it... and the stuff for it is in Strath now and I'm back in Broken Hill til the 23rd. Opps.Just be paitient my luv!!!! Lucky friendhsip doesn't depend on that sort of thing... I hope :)

At 13/1/06 12:18 pm, Blogger John M said...

good to hear you are still alive, and good work on giving blood when you were back too, i'm sure my mum would be impressed. I gave plasma the other day, was good. was good to see you, thanks for the reese's.

At 13/1/06 9:56 pm, Blogger Vi said...

You gave plasma?? Uber goober!! That's even grosser than giving blood!! They use a bigger needle and put your blood back in again! Luckily for me, my veins aren't big and strong enough to give plasma, so I don't have to worry about doing that every couple of weeks! Ugh! I'm getting the giggles and heebie jeebies just thinking about it!!

At 15/1/06 6:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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