10 November 2005

Okinawa highlights

Well, on the first night, we didn:t go to Chizuru`s home - we stayed in this little cabin on a mountain side - very cute, but it didn`t have a door! (It was free!) I wasn`t stressed, cuz, hey, it`s Japan! In the middle of the night, tho, I half woke up and was concious of someone standing in the doorway... I was trying really hard to wake myself up and open my eyes properly, when I noticed him looking in our backpacks!! Boy, did that wake me up! I sat bolt upright, pointed at him, and full-on yelled - `Hey, don`t take that!!!` Suddenly, I realised I was pointing at the wall of Chizuru`s house, and she was sleepily staring at me, going, `What the...?` Oops! It was just a dream!! What really happened was...

- leisurely start - 11am bus to Fukuoka to catch my plane
- Chizuru had hired a car to pick me up from the airport and take me to Shuri-jo (Shuri Castle)
- very funky castle!!!
- ate Baskin Robbins icecream while watching some awesome street performers - teenage drummers and break dancers
- met some other Nova staff, Tomoko & Maki, and went snorkling at the beautiful beach
- went out for tea with the above staff and some Nova teachers - out very late
- slept in, then watched Japanese daytime soaps (suprisingly fun! I loved one called Wedding Planners, and watched it Wed morn as well!)
- went shopping in Naha - fun, fun, fun - bought a sarong, elmo couch blanket and some jewelry
- Tomoko works in Naha and drove us the 40min home so we didn:t have to catch a bus
- went to Big Dip for an icecream sundae for breakfast :)
- caught another ride with Tomoko back to Naha, then the monorail to the airport
- home in time for tea and a video with Rachel

- Shisa everywhere!!!! (A lion/dog dragon thing that is on all the roofs and verandahs for protection, and available in every imaginable form of souveneir - kinda cute, kinda ugly
- childhood flashbacks - surrounded by hybiscus and bouganvillia flowers, juicy wonderful delicious pineapple, and perfect weather (even when its raining!)
- trees all propped up with little logs to help them withstand the yearly typhoons
- yelling in middle of the night and scaring both Chizuru and myself half to death!


At 11/11/05 8:19 am, Blogger David said...

That's hilarious! I bet Chizuru will be laughing about that for years to come. =)

At 11/11/05 12:18 pm, Blogger Tab said...

giggle! Very funny story, u duffa.

OH! Ice-cream 4 breakfast? That's not like u :P

At 11/11/05 12:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah Banana! You dag! Your holiday sounds really fun. It's awesome that you're getting to see so many different places.

At 11/11/05 12:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ROFL! I can so imagine that Heather!!
sounds like you had an absolutely marvellous time!!! how's the plans for your visit back to Oz next year? any chance you're going to be here fo the 29th April?

At 11/11/05 5:03 pm, Blogger kelgell said...

He he! That's funny Ü Glad you had three days of fun!!

At 11/11/05 9:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Heather, its late at night and we just saw yr blog. I think Mum will be chuckling all nite and I don't know if I will get much sleep!!


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