28 September 2005

My first hitori de trip

I've always had the sneaky suspicion that I am a little too disorganised, scatterbrained and naive to travel on my own... but I'm happy to have proved myself wrong!!! I just survived my first trip by myself (hitori de)! Yay!! I know you are busy people, so here's my hol in dot points:

- woke, packed, went to catch the bus at 11:30ish
- Next bus not til 1pm, so coffee at Starbucks with Mike
- At Kumamoto, went straight to the castle
- met a cool Jap lady who was eager to show me her drawings of the castle; walked with her for a while, and she gave me a drawing to keep!
- castle was unreal!!! standing on the huge walls, i could make believe I lived in old times and was up on the city walls looking out over the country side
- booked into a business hotel for 6800yen
- went to get dinner and discovered this huge awesome shopping area
- impulse bought a black skirt and cute pink top and cardi (6000yen combined)
- soaked in a bath eating chocolate with a face mud mask that arrived from Ruth 1/2 hr b4 i left Sasebo

- woke early, Macca's for breakfast, caught 9am bus to Aso, a cute little country town
- climbed up to the volcano - smelled funny, was cool, cement shelters (in case of an eruption) made me a little uneasy!
- ate 2 icecreams for lunch :)
- met a German lady who lives in Argentina - went to the hot springs with her (gonna stay with her in Argentina when I travel around the world!)
- when they say hot, they mean HOT! felt all cleansed after though
- stayed in a gorgeous little hostel / B&B type place - Jap style room, shared bathroom (squat toilets of course) for 4200yen
- had dinner at one of the few restaurants in town; sat with a friendly Dutch couple
- bought some OJ and more cookies at the 7-eleven for midnight snacks and brekky

- woke early, rice ball from 7-eleven for brekky (think i'm turning Japanese!), caught the 9am bus back to Kumamoto
- window shopped, coffeed, wandered the town
- caught the 2:30pm bus back to Sasebo, enjoying the spectacular scenery along the 3 hr ride

Had a great, relaxing trip, and would like to go back to Kumamoto next time I feel the need to escape town for a couple of days! It was fun, and I didn't get stressed, even on my own!


At 28/9/05 10:36 pm, Blogger John M said...

cool sounds like fun.
and a volcano with shelters in case of an eruption, ahh who needs shelters anyways, a little lava can't hurt too much, i mean look at darth vader, he turned out ok, a little scorched maybe but, you get that.

At 29/9/05 7:54 pm, Blogger David said...

Nice, sounds like so much fun. I wish I was there! Well I get my own mini holiday this weekend - going down to Sussex Inlet. Be good, eat well, take photo's.

At 2/10/05 8:05 pm, Blogger kelgell said...

Yay! Sounds great. And you met a world of people on a little Japanese holiday.

At 7/10/05 9:13 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like you had an AWESOME time!! this was my favourite bit '- ate 2 icecreams for lunch :)' SUCH a Heather thing to do!!


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