27 November 2005

Taking it for granted

There's nothing like going without for a short while to make you realise how much you take for granted. On Friday we had no hot water... I did not enjoy my icey cold half-shower that morning! And I refused to wash my hair in it, which meant I spent the rest of the day feeling yuck and self-conscious about it. Hot water... normally I don't even think about it, but not everyone has it. Boy am I glad I do! I really enjoyed my hot shower on Sat morning!

I heard that in Aust the Christmas decorations have been up in the stores for a while now. It's just started here. Halloween & Thanksgiving are over, so everyone is gearing up for Christmas. Not that people get the day off work or really do much to celebrate it, but any excuse to decorate will do!! The autumn leaves displayed everywhere (even in the vending machines!) are coming down and being replaced by 'snow' and christmas lights. So pretty!!! I'll have to redecorate my room, too!

Will be a bit of a strange Christmas for me - my first away from family!! But its on my day off, so I'll go to church, and there will be Nova Christmas parties on both Christmas Eve and Christmas night. And a couple days later... it's off to Thailand!!! Martina and I are using the New Year closing period, heading over there on the 28th of Dec, and coming back on Jan 3rd! Very exciting! Will be a bit warmer there than here, too, and it will be nice to get a bit of sunshine in middle of winter.

Have yourselves a merry little Sunday, and enjoy all your Christmas shopping!! (I don't need any stuff to add to my already overflowing room, but don't forget to send me a card or an email!! XXOO)


At 27/11/05 1:35 pm, Blogger Tab said...

Yeah, It's my first Xmas away - It's a little sad to think of our firends and family all together while we're not with them *sigh* Still it will be a good day I reckon.

At 27/11/05 4:09 pm, Blogger kelgell said...

Will you get to have a white Christmas this year then?? That would be cool. It's strange thinking of having a cold Christmas.

At 28/11/05 1:00 pm, Blogger Tab said...

I guess anything can happen where u'll be for Xmas... wouldn't be surprised! (If u got a white Xmas)


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