08 December 2005

Rachel is gone

:( It is a very sad day indeed. Rachel left this morning.

We had a slumber party in the lounge room last night, and were up pretty late (2am??), then were up before the crack of dawn (5am) to take her to the bus station. It'll be strange not to have her around. Part of my little Japanese family just left!! To comfort ourselves, Martina and I went straight to McDonalds after the bus station, for a nice unhealthy breakfast while we waited for the hair dresser to open at 8am. We both got a hair wash and cut... nothing like looking more beautiful to make you feel better about life!

I had something else to tell you all as well, but now I can't for the life of me remember what it was, so maybe I'll tell you another day. I'm gonna go put my weary body to bed. Sleep sweet all!


At 9/12/05 12:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww :(
sounds like you had a good remedy for cheering you up a bit!!! sleep well lil heather!

At 9/12/05 8:05 pm, Blogger kelgell said...

Bye Rachel! [whose accent was cool] Fun having a last slumber party. It's a good way to farewell. And the maccas and hairdresser visit sound like a great way to perk the spirits up again. Ü


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