05 December 2005


Well, it may only be the 5th of Dec - 5 days into winter, but already it is snowing!!!

It was very cold yesterday! It hailed several times during the day. Last night was the Nova farewell dinner for Rachel. We went out for a very yummy dinner, then carried on to karaoke. It was totally freezing. And when we came out of karaoke in the wee hours of the morning, it was... snowing!! True, it was so very little snow, and melted the second it hit the ground, but it was very exciting!!! I look forward to much more, esp in Jan and Feb when it is supposed to be very cold!!

But on a sad note, Rachel leaves in just a few days!! :( Very sad!


At 5/12/05 6:35 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how exciting!!! hard to imagine you having snow and we're just getting into the warm weather hehe!!

Matthew Duke is now a married man! I'll email you a photo of him and his wife when I have one I can send on, but yeah, it was a beautiful wedding :D ahhh, I LOVE weddings where 2 christians, and 2 christian families are joined :D (yep, I cried - just)

At 5/12/05 11:11 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm it didnt add my name to that post! just letting you know it was me who wrote it!

At 5/12/05 12:27 pm, Blogger John M said...

yay for snow!
hope it snows lots for you, but not blizzard like hey :)

At 5/12/05 7:56 pm, Blogger Vi said...

As the song says... I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, just like the ones I've never had... (well, almost like the song, anyway!)


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