28 November 2005

The Chiro

I just survived my first trip to a Japanese chiropractor! Yay!!! I had a headache for a couple of weeks, and it was mostly better by the time I managed to find a chiro, but I went anyway in the hope that he could make me all better.

It was quite scary! I got the number from a referral service, so had no recommendations or any idea what he was like or if the Japanese idea of a chiro is anything like the Aussie version. But I went, armed with my Japanese translator (who has never been to the chiro herself). We arrived in good time, and I was a little worried... it smelled like a hospital, and the people looked like doctors and nurses in their little uniforms... I just wanted a neck alignment!!

But it was all good and he seemed to do all the same stuff as the Aussie chiro's, so it felt nice and familiar. And he seemed to know what he was doing. I still have a bit of a headache, but that could be due to my cold and the resulting lack of sleep last night.

So it was all good, and tonight I am about to go to the movies with Valerie, who I haven't seen in ages, so that'll be fun! I'm gonna go get ready now, cuz we're going to Taco Bell for dinner!! Yay!!


At 29/11/05 10:01 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad you survived your chiro experience!!!
*big hugs* hope your headache goes away properly though!

I understand the feeling of first christmas away from home! I'm going to be in Shepp with Brett's family for Christmas this year and have a christmas celebration with my family on the tuesday...so its going to be very very weird!! will be thinking of you!!!

At 29/11/05 12:28 pm, Blogger Vi said...

Oooo... very bizarre!! Hope you have fun with Brett's family!! And on the up side, your Christmas will last longer this year!! Yay!! You get to stuff yourself for more days in a row!

Yeah, my headache is gone now, but I called in sick today - couldn't sleep last night. (Kept poor Rach up by wandering around the house blowing my nose in middle of the night! Oops!) Its a nice day to be sick tho - warm sunshine glowing thru the balcony doors!

At 30/11/05 9:13 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe yes I hadnt thought of it like that! a lovely long christmas!!
sorry to hear you didnt get to sleep and the cold is still going on *huggggles*
enjoy the beautiful sunshine!!!! we've actually got some here today!

oh by the way, I think you know him, but Matt Duke is getting married on Saturday :) so keep him and his bride Emily in your prayers :D

At 30/11/05 12:57 pm, Blogger kelgell said...

glad to hear you got through the chiro alright and I sure hope you had fun with Valerie. Sounds like you were up for a fun night.

At 1/12/05 11:03 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Banana - sori bori about your cold!! Sounds miserable!

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