27 December 2005


Guess where I am?? Australia!!!!!

Yep, the whole Thailand thing was a cover-up - I actually came home for Christmas! Only just tho - I left my home very early on the 24th, to arrive in Melbourne about 8am on Christmas morning. I wanted to suprise my parents, and from the look on mum's face, I'd say, yes, she was very suprised!! So much fun!!

At the airport, I couldn't get over all the Aussie accents - so amazingly strong!!! I have adjusted quickly tho, and its almost like nothing has changed.

It is great to be back for a little while just hanging out with my family, driving again, eating lots of yummy foods that I haven't had in a long time, being able to go into a shoe shop and actually find shoes that fit, etc, etc.

Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas day and didn't eat too much!


At 27/12/05 9:54 pm, Blogger Tab said...

I'm so jealous!!! I'd love to see you :) Glad ur mum was surprised, but also glad that she's not dead from the shock!!! U naughty girl :) he he he. It was a fun secret though!

At 28/12/05 7:21 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh wow!!! that's so awesome hun!! *hugs* what a wonderful Christmas present for your family!! hope you're having a marvellous time!! no idea how long you're around for but if you have time give me a buzz would love to see you, if not have a wonderful time with your family and eat lots of vegemite and timtams ;)

At 29/12/05 4:15 pm, Blogger kelgell said...



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