19 January 2006

FIRE!! (... or not??)

I walked home in heels tonight... it was a slow, cold walk. I arrived and tried the door... locked... Martina's out. I put the key in the lock, and the second I turned it...
Crap!!! I've got the wrong apartment, and I've set their security alarm off!! was the first thought flashing through my mind! A quick check... 605 on the door... nope, it's mine. Oh no!! Martina installed a new security system while I was out! was the second thought. Okay, okay, calm down Heather and stop being daft.... it's okay... it's just the fire alarm. Uh, did you say "just"??
I nervously stepped inside as the ringing stopped. Everything seemed fine in our apartment, so I took a tim tam, and went out to the front verandah/walkway thing. Hanging over the edge, I could see a fire truck pulling up, but without sirens or lights. A few people were out on other levels. (The fire alarm was still going off every now and then.) Oh, the excitement!! I called out to a lady on the level below, but she didn't know what was happening. Finally one man told me "No fire!" (God bless the Japanese school system and its compulsory English!!). So I figured it was safe enough to come in and put the kettle and computer on. Wonder if I'll ever find out what happened?!?


At 23/1/06 7:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol - seeing the title to your message, I could have sworn you were still in Australia. We have hundreds of fires all around Victoria at the moment - one was visible from my bedroom window, and another is covering an area of over 100,000 hectares in the Grampians. Firies are doing an awesome job though - as yet, there have only been a handful of property losses and no serious injuries.

Take care!

At 24/1/06 7:36 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

unfortunately to update amys story there were a couple of fatalities in the grampians :( they're still fighting the fires here, there are a few fires around - one near anakie, one in the grampians, and over in gippsland as well! just something to keep in your prayers :)

am glad your fire was a fasle alarm though!! what an exciting day!

At 26/1/06 12:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. My name's Naomi from Cairns. Just wondering if I can get some info about Sasebo and possible jobs over there. Thinking of coming over for a working holiday but always find jobs to do with navy not civilan positions. Was it pretty easy for you? Any info would be great. Couple of years ago taught in Osaka for a few years.



At 31/1/06 9:58 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Vi, the other night I woke up with a huge a fright because I had this piercing ring in my ears. It must have been so loud but by the time I was awake enough to be rational, I couldnt hear anything. And I swear I did not just dream it!! It was too shrill. But Adam didn't hear it (didn't even stir until I had prodded him a few times), and even though I plodded through the whole house and looked out all the windows I couldn't figure out what it was. Must have been the smoke alarm having a spaz but it didn't sound right. Anyway, who knows? Another alarm mystery!


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