13 May 2007

Why me?

"This kind of thinking poses hidden dangers. If we think of suffering as something unnatural, something that we should not be experiencing, then it's not much of a leap to begin to look for someone to blame for our suffering. If I am unhappy, then I must be the victim of someone or something - an idea that's all too common in the West. The victimiser may be the government, the educational system, abusive parents, a dysfunctional family, the other gender, or our uncaring mate. Or we may turn blame inward: there is something wrong with me, I am the victim of disease, of defective genes perhaps. But the risk of continuing to focus on assigning blame and maintaining a victim stance, is the perpetuation of our suffering - with persistent feelings of anger, frustration and resentment."
~ The Dalai Lama


At 11/6/07 5:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello, was browsing tammys saved blogs and decided to respond. how many times do we hear of good things happening... thankyou god, and bad things happening... why has god allowed this( or some people just blame satan! ). the book of job is great!!. ` `Shall we accept good from God and not trouble `, Job 2:10. trouble and suffering are not only punishment for sin, but a means of trials.... and discipline......... that culminates spiritual gain. many of the prophets had very troubled times but also had nothing to fear as god was with them. (NIV study notes)
if all the troubles that we had gone through, we had not actually gone through... then we would be much less equipped to deal with satan and the world, ie spiritually imature.
such an interesting topic!
take care....

At 29/6/07 8:31 pm, Blogger Cassandra said...

hey vi, i hope your exams went well.
Hey do you want to come to my tupperware party?
Sunday 1st at 7.30 pm, let me know on
cassieb@gmail.com if you or anyone else is interested!!!


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