20 March 2007


Received the most excellentest news yesterday!!! My course is supposed to cost $16,000 this year... bit of an ouchie. But yesterday they announced that because of low enrolments, they have surplus government funding available, so all 40 in our course (minus the international students) can get a Commonwealth Sponsored place, making our debt just... $5,000!!!! We all cheered as they announced it, but they continued... because it is a HECS-HELP position, we get a 20% discount if we pay up front, making it just $4,000!!!!! WOOHOO!!

Adele threw up her hand asking if we got a free set of steak knives with this! Giggle! They responded, No, but now you can all afford to buy your own steak knives!

It is such a huge blessing, for myself and so many others. I can now afford my fees still have a little left for living expenses, so I don't have to stress about trying to combine work with study this year. I've heard others saying the same, one even saying he was thinking about dropping out b/c he couldn't manage the workload (pretty intense course) as well as work. A couple others are buying houses this year, and now have a lot more available for a deposit. We are all so happy and smiley today at uni!!

I love the Australian government!!!!


At 20/3/07 12:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PRAISE GOD! Thats such awesome news! What a blessing :D

At 20/3/07 7:56 pm, Blogger David said...

That awesome Heather! Such good news, a bit less stress on your year.

At 21/3/07 9:25 am, Blogger kelgell said...

How super exciting!! That's great news to hear! YAY!!!!!!!!

At 22/3/07 10:16 pm, Blogger John M said...

Thats pretty good :)
Hey by the way you no longer live in Sasebo JP, you should change your profile ;)

At 23/3/07 5:52 pm, Blogger Vi said...

Oh, yeah, thanks John!

At 24/3/07 7:44 pm, Blogger Christop said...

That's great!
(Education is for everyone.)


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