20 August 2006

The End

And who would have thought it would be so hard?

I thought I was coming to Japan for an extended holiday. You know how you feel at the end of a holiday - kinda blue about leaving, but it's no big deal. That's what I thought it would be like, maybe just to a little bigger degree. But it turns out I'm leaving a home, not a vacation spot.

People asked if it was hard when leaving Australia, but it wasn't so bad, 'cuz I was about to go on a big, cool vacation, and I knew I was coming back. Now, everyone asks if I'm excited about going back to Australia, but I'm too busy being sad about leaving Japan, 'cuz I'm leaving a home, and I don't know that I'll ever be back.

I have approximately 5 hours left in Sasebo. With, of course, packing, cleaning, errands, etc enough to last at least 15. So, signing out for now - catch you in 4 days when I'm back in the land down under.

Wah! I hate goodbyes!


At 20/8/06 2:05 pm, Blogger heppury said...

Sayonara Heather-san.
Itsuka Mata Aimasyou.

At 20/8/06 5:08 pm, Blogger Bethanois said...

Can't wait to see you Heather!! Hope you enjoyed your last few hours :)

At 22/8/06 9:00 am, Blogger David said...

Sorryo Vi. I'm feeling sad about your goodbye's and you are coming back to Australia! Hope to catch you soonish.

At 22/8/06 12:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*sending you hugs* I can imagine how difficult it must be!! hope you're having a safe flight and really looking forward to seeing you back in the land of Oz!!


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