04 August 2006


What should Heather do after August 24th?

a) bum around for 5 months then return to Japan in January;
b) get a job as a check-out chic;
c) join the airforce as a fighter pilot;
d) get a 'real' job (please specify); or
e) other (again, please specify).

All recommendations welcome. Best idea will receive a *special* prize.

~ all submissions are strictly non-confidential
~ prize is non-transferable, not redeemable for cash, and there is no guarantee recipient will like it.


At 5/8/06 3:24 pm, Blogger Tab said...

e) come visit her faithful [ish] friend Tab in Broken Hill

At 5/8/06 3:25 pm, Blogger Tab said...

oh and e) find rich [or at least tall] man to marry and have children

At 5/8/06 3:48 pm, Blogger Alrischa said...

I vote for c) becoming a fighter pilot; that would be a seriously serious job, but fun, too! And you're brilliant enough to cope, eh? You could be that tough chick in the movie "Stealth", although she's a navy fighter pilot... he he. Forget about getting a real job... boring! lol!

At 6/8/06 1:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about e)Become a fulltime nanny for your nephew???

At 6/8/06 1:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(pay rate may be somewhat of a drawback... but think of the rewards!!!)

At 6/8/06 3:10 pm, Blogger kelgell said...

e) wing it
Come back and visit and see where life takes you next. [Like I'd ever give you some kind of definite answer...ha!]

At 6/8/06 5:35 pm, Blogger heppury said...

I vote for a) as a Japanese representative.
There are still a lot of interesting things and places in Japan.
So, you should choose a)!!!

At 7/8/06 11:47 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think e) come back and visit and just get some casual work to carry you over money wise whilst you enjoy being back in the land of oz, and then if you want to, do more travelling! see more of the world!

At 7/8/06 8:04 pm, Blogger David said...

e)Move to Sydney in stead of Ballarat to hang out with your favorite brother, get a job with an aid & mission organisation here (part time so you still have time to write my essays for me), meet a young man sudying at one of the many theological colleges here, get married go overseas to work as misso's and teach the little MK kiddies at the local school.

At 8/8/06 4:38 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww... that's not fair - how can we compete with DB's suggestion?!?

At 8/8/06 5:09 pm, Blogger Vi said...

Well, Ruth, he hasn't found me a job yet... I won't be finding a place to rent until I have a job, so you're still in with a chance... first to find me a job wins!!

I must say everyone, they've all been excellent ideas so far! Thanks!! :)

At 9/8/06 5:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got a legit job for you! Haven't had many decent applications for my maternity position yet and the timing's perfect! Starting date is mid September - you'd work with me for a fortnight, then I'm off to have Bubs. Couldn't ask for a better place to work or a better boss. And I can be on the interview panel if I want (wink wink). It's in the bag. Yay - I win!!!

At 10/8/06 9:07 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like your sis has got it all organise for you Heather! hehe! have you made a decision yet?

At 10/8/06 10:07 pm, Blogger Vi said...

nope... still not sure what I'm gonna do... don't think I'd do a great job at Ruth's job, so don't know it would be the best choice... ah, well, I just have to get to Aust, then I'll stress about what I'm gonna do!

At 14/8/06 11:53 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A late response, I know, but better late than never. I've been on leave and took the opportunity to steer as clear of the computer as I could!

I vote d). It seems to me that you've really enjoyed teaching in Japan, so how about continuing that here? You could become a teacher's aide, or do a year's study and become a fully qualified teacher. With that behind you, you could still travel - to teach elsewhere, or you could teach around here and travel on your holidays. The skills you've already learned may even give you some credits towards a course - you never know!

At 16/8/06 11:24 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amy's suggestion is definitely *special* prize-worthy! Yep, that's what you should do for sure!

At 18/8/06 10:29 pm, Blogger mattalex said...

Marry Someone who is really rich the hire a hit man to knock him off and start your own buisness as a resort manager and Simon and his better younger brother can build the resort for you and then you can live in your own paradise resort and make heaps of money

At 20/8/06 12:26 am, Blogger Vi said...

I split the Voice students into 2 groups today, and told them to plan my life for me...

Group 1:
Work as an English teacher in my hometown for disadvantaged or immigrant kids. As soon as I find a good guy (they estimated it would take 3 years), quit, get married and have kids.

Group 2:
My flight to Oz would be cancelled because of a typhoon, so I would start working for Nova again. I would move around a bit for the next three years, marry a Japanese guy at the age of 28 and live in the Osaka region. At 29, I would have my first of 3 kids.

At 20/8/06 12:30 am, Blogger Vi said...

Oh, yeah, first kid would be called Shaun if it was a boy, or Sakura if it was a girl.


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