20 June 2006

World Cup fever part II

Well, I went back to the sports bar on Sunday night... Japan vs Croatia at 10pm, and Australia vs Brazil at 1am. Big night!!! (Monday was my day off, so it was okay!)

Japan vs Croatia - a thrilling game! It was so much fun to be able to cheer with everyone this time! There was one incredibly passionate fan, who started the crowd cheering and chanting 15 min before the game started, and I think he wanted everyone to continue yelling for the entire game! He started to become hoarse before even half time, but his sidekicks kept things going, while he thumped the little table near him so hard it eventually broke!!

I learnt a few of the chants and had fun clapping and singing and yelling along! "Nihon no goru ga mitai!" (We wanna see a Japanese goal!) At one point in the game, Croatia was awarded a free kick REALLY close to the goal - the worst part was that we all thought it was a bad call. But thankfully, Kawaguchi did an AMAZING save! He's my hero! It was the highlight of the game. Unfortunately, there were no goals scored by either team.

Australia vs Brazil - a tense and not quite so thrilling game! Of course, most people went home, and those remaining were more interested in their chit chat and drinks than the game. But Brendan and Trevor were with me this time (and 2 Japanese staff asleep in their chairs!), so I still had company. Although very sad to have lost 2-0, I was very proud of the Aussie boys - in my (expert!?) opinion, they played well against the world's top team.

Now, if we can just beat or tie Croatia, we can make it through to the next round!!


At 21/6/06 11:27 am, Blogger David said...

Hey Vi! Are you going to watch the Croatia game? My last exam is tomorrow morning so I'll be able to watch it! Yay!


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