19 May 2006

Rain, rain, come again!

Seems the rainy season is starting a little early this year... it has rained SO much the last week or so! I love it, cuz I love walking home in the rain, and falling asleep to the sound of it. But it does mean 2 problems...
1) it is just about impossible to keep my hair straight and non-frizzy - I look like I've been dragged backwards through a bush - nice and professional, eh?
2) means the summer is probably coming early too, so we're in for a nice long one... doh! Already the humidity is soaring, and that horrible sticky feel hits you the moment you walk outside. (Thanks for the link to Sasebo weather on your blog Kel - I check it sometimes to see if I should walk or bus the next morning!)

As usual here at Nova, there are some staff changes. A couple of unexpected changes resulting in 2 teachers heading home suddenly, combined with another planned leaving, and 1 or 2 planned transfers means the schedule is a bit all over the place, so I'm doing a bit of overtime at the moment. Happy for my budget, as I'm trying to save for Africa! But sad to be losing more friends... you barely make friends here and they have left already!!


At 20/5/06 8:55 pm, Blogger kelgell said...

Maybe you can try some new styles with your hair. It might work. Hope no one thinks anything crazy. Maybe you'll have to slick it down. Ü


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