22 May 2006

Nihon no Tabemono (Japanese Food)

I was out for dinner tonight for yet another farewell party, when I noticed something exciting... I was enjoying the food!!!! Actually really enjoying it! I was munching away on my shrimp, salmon (raw? smoked? something...), rice & egg dish topped with fish eggs, etc, and wanting to eat more 'cuz it was yummy!! I remember when I ate my first salmon sandwhich, and how much of a struggle it was to get it down, and now I'm enjoying it (mostly)... sweet! (And, of course, eating it all with my flawless (?) chopstick skills!!) Exciting to realise that tastes can change! Next challenge... raw horse meat or seafood that is still alive... ah, ok, maybe not the wiggling stuff! Let's be reasonable!


At 22/5/06 4:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No - pleeease not the wiggling stuff!!! But it's pretty cool how we adapt and change. Can't wait for you to come home and we'll all go out to a Japanese restaurant. Although you'll probably tell us how un-authentic the food is!

At 22/5/06 8:52 pm, Blogger David said...

Oh, what!? You just can't eat things that are still moving. It's not natural! Glad you are enjoying the food. I wanna come visit.

At 24/5/06 2:14 pm, Blogger Vi said...

That'd be unreal if you could come to visit! Ah well, I'll just take pics instead.

Tried nato today... a Kyushu specialty. It is fermented soy beans... basically looks and smells a bit like vomit, and has this horrible slimey, stringy texture - but it's supposed to be really healthy!! Most Kyushu-ites eat it regularly.

I ate a little on rice, smothered in gyouza sauce, without breathing thru my nose, and it was edible. Won't be buying it again in a hurry tho!!

At 26/5/06 8:58 pm, Blogger kelgell said...

It really doesn't sound like the type of food anyone could ever get used to. Glad it's getting ok for you now though. That's a good thing.


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