03 July 2006

Balcony Bonfire

It's Sunday evening... Martina and I are engaging in our usual evening activities... watching movies, eating and playing solitaire.

Martina looks over and comments: "We waste SO much time playing with those cards! Since we got them, we never do anything constructive like study Japanese or paint our nails... I wanna burn them!"

My head jerks up. "Can we???" I ask, full of enthusiasm as I pick up her cigarette lighter.

"Outside, outside!" she cries. "Do you want to set off the fire alarm??"

So the movie is paused, and out to the balcony we trot, armed with our well-worn pack of cute-as-a-button Winnie-the-Pooh cards and the fruit bowl. Martina stokes the fire, while I roast my mini marshmellows, and we watch the evil time-wasters slowly burn.

What a fun way to spend the equivalent of 2 games of solitaire!


At 3/7/06 12:18 pm, Blogger kelgell said...

He He He
Those moments of spontaneous fun are the best!

At 3/7/06 2:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh heather, how could you ruin winnie the pooh cards?
ROFL! sounds like a marvellously fun time you pyros!

At 4/7/06 11:53 am, Blogger David said...

Ha ha ha... you crack me up Vi! How's the fruit bowl and the fork?


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