06 July 2006

Yes, it's true!

You may have heard a rumour, and yes, it is true - I am moving back to Australia! I am coming back around the 24th of August, just in time for Ruth's and Mum's birthdays.

I made the decision on Monday, and handed in my resignation on Tuesday. Although I absolutely LOVE living here, and will miss it so much, I just feel like it is time to come home. Besides the hugest factor (Ruth being pregnant!), it has been a long time since I've been able to spend quality time with my family, hang out with old friends, go shopping in stores where shoes are big enough and pants are long enough, and stuff like that.

I am SO excited about coming back and feel like it is the right decision, but at the same time, I feel so sad about leaving. I wish that Ballarat was as close as Pusan, Korea (5 hrs by bus and ferry), so I could stay here but come home for a long weekend every month. Who knows, maybe I'll come back one day. If anyone is looking for a year-long time out/fun adventure, I highly recommend this teaching in Japan thing - seriously, it's awesome!

Not sure exactly what I'll be doing when I get back. After such a cushy, fun job here, I'm a little worried about finding a 'real' job again! But I'm sure there's something good waiting out there! And I'll be moving back to Ballarat, in with Mum and Dad again, at least for the time being.

See ya'll in 49 days or so! (Not that I'm counting...)


At 7/7/06 10:17 am, Blogger David said...

Yay, counting down... well might be a few more days before I see you. Enjoy your last days.

At 7/7/06 8:14 pm, Blogger kelgell said...

EEEEEeeee!!! How exciting!! Look forward to hanging out and catching up with you again in person.

At 11/7/06 9:03 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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