Super sleuth on the prowl
On the 23rd August, Ace Detective Heza Buraisu-san began her assignment monitoring a flight from Nagoya to Kuala Lumpur:
08:40 - A.D. Heza arrived at the Nagoya International airport, and lined up to check into her assigned flight. 20 min early, so she could monitor passengers as they arrived.
But just ahead of her, she noticed two shady looking characters had already arrived!! Terror Suspect 1 (TS1) was about 175cm, and of thin build, with dark hair and a small mo. Terror Suspect 2 (TS2) was shorter, a little chubby, and blonde. They were speaking a funny language, and so A.D. Heza knew that something was a bit strange.... these two would be worth keeping an eye on...
08:55 - with a small line already forming, and the checkout counter due to open in just 5 minutes, an announcement was made that due to complications (the system was down) check in would be delayed!! *Gasp* Could this be the work of terrorists??
09:20 - check-in begins manually. Ground staff appear stressed, and relax a little with certain checks as they try to process waiting passengers as fast as possible. Hmm, not good for security, but great for A.D. Heza's overweight suitcase, which slides through without the blink of an eyelid.
10:00 - passengers are weaving through the lengthy security check line. A.D. Heza keeps an eye on TS1 and TS2, a tricky thing, as they keep separating and re-meeting... strange behaviour indeed! TS1 is particularly intent on prolonging goodbyes with a teary family... could it be he knows it is his last goodbye?
11:00 - boarding the plane, A.D. Heza finds her seat the opposite side of the plane and a few seats forward from the terror suspects. However, the seat beside her is empty, which should make discreet monitoring a little easier. Ripped off! If it was my last ever flight, I'd demand my boss fork out for first class!! Maybe there are no plans of disaster for this flight after all...
11:05 - A.D. Heza holds her breath for take-off (a long-standing family tradition)
11:15 - TS2 has the window seat, and seems to be loving the view... his nose is glued to the window. Unfortunately, the view of TS1 is blocked by a tall, unusually large-headed man in the centre aisle.
11:45 - a yummy lunch is served. TS1 & 2 are unobtrusively eating their meal.
13:45 - A.D. Heza flicks her head around, breathing a sigh of relief when she notices terror suspects still quietly in their seats - she got engrossed in a movie and forgot to monitor the suspects!! If anything had happened in this time frame, her supervisor would have had her head for sure! (Assuming he could find it amid the wreckage.)
14:53 - doing a random check, A.D. Heza catches the eye of TS2!! He eyes her suspiciously:15 then gives a knowing nod! Oh no! Is her cover blown??
16:15 - TS1 rises to go to the bathroom... or is it for a more sinister reason??
16:23 - TS1 returns to his seat... either there was a line, or...
16:33 - nothing blown up yet, so obviously it was just a call of nature.
16:47 - A.D. Heza decides to check out the Master Instruction Manual for any possible guidelines for future actions. Guidelines:
Hmm... strange instructions... oh, wait, they're addressed to A.L. Abraham!Leave your country, your relatives, and your father's house, and go to the land that I will show you. (Odd! I'm only just on my way back there!! Should I be leaving already??) I will cause you to become the father (??) of a great nation. I will bless you (yay!) and make you famous (no thanks!), and I will make you a blessing to others (cool!).*