I'm singing in the rain!
It's been raining for almost 20 hours! Well, actually, it might have stopped for a while during the night - I was sleeping, so I don't know.
I was craving a fruit smoothie and some oreo cookies, so I decided to brave the weather and walk to the supermarket. On the way, I saw a few lovely puddles, and thought what fun it would be to jump in them. But, I have a cold, and I'm a responsible almost-25 year old, so I didn't - I just enjoyed the rain splashing on my umbrella.
However, it was like God was saying - go on, have fun!! For when I came out of the supermarket, it was bucketing down!! I very shortly was drenched almost to my knees! So, since I was already wet, I made the most of it! I stomped and jumped in all the puddles I could find! I was drenched well above my knees by now! And then some helpful cars drove past, and the huge spray wet me even more! It was SO much fun!!
I looked up as I jumped in one puddle next to the traffic lights, and saw a woman in a car laughing - I'm probably not giving foreigners a very respectable reputation! Oh, well, it was fun!